Firefox 3

Function list:

  1. ptb_connect – connects to the database
  2. ptb_select – selects records according to given condition (and optionally sorts them)
  3. ptb_count – counts records in the database
  4. ptb_sort – sorts table
  5. ptb_map – shows record or value of one field, that corresponds with given value
  6. ptb_merge – merges two databases (juxtaposes columns)
  7. ptb_max – shows biggest numeric value of given field in the database
  8. ptb_min – shows smallest numeric value of given field in the database
  9. ptb_listUnique – lists unique values of given field in the database
  10. ptb_create – creates empty database
  11. ptb_add – appends one record to the database
  12. ptb_update – changes values in the database upon given condition
  13. ptb_delete – deletes records upon given condition
  14. ptb_write – writes down table to a file
  15. ptb_append – appends records from the second table
  16. ptb_fieldnames – lists names of all fields–or tells if given field exists
  17. ptb_addField – adds field to the data file
  18. ptb_delField – deletes field from the data file
  19. ptb_changeFieldname – changes name of field in the data file
  20. isThere – simple check for references in multi field
  21. isThereExt – advanced check for references in multi field